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On the Moov

Aiding Accessibility for All

At the University of Texas at Austin

A partnership program that stands to revolutionize campus accessibility through the power of community. 

 On the Moov at UT

On the Moov is a project developed by students and alumni at the University of Texas at Austin to aid disabled students with navigating campus. Students with different types of disabilities require support with various everyday tasks including getting to class and accessing meals. Our system consists of student helpers signing up for a shift to aid a disabled student at predetermined times, thus using the power of community to expand accessibility at UT Austin. 

Fab and Kennedi walking.jpg


UT students signed up for a shift to support disabled students in the 2023-2024 school year


Shifts were completed to support disabled students in the 2022-2023 school year


UT students received On the Moov's Disability Awareness Training presentation

Get Involved - Help Expand Accessibility on Campus!

Join a Team

Interested in signing up for a shift to aid a disabled student? Click here to learn more about the sign up process and sign up for a shift. 

Expanding On the Moov

Are you a disabled student interested in creating a team? Click here to learn more about the steps we're taking to expand support.

On the Moov logo was designed by Haley Jackson.

On the Moov website pictures were taken by Lorianne Willett.

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