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About On the Moov

Our Mission: Increasing Accessibility Through the Power of Community

Disabilities can manifest in various ways, and there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to the disability community. At On the Moov, we are passionate about providing personalized support to meet the needs of disabled students at The University of Texas at Austin. The system consists of student helpers signing up for a shift to aid a disabled student at predetermined times. Student helpers offer aid in one of two ways: they can walk with a disabled student to aid transport around campus, or they can eat a meal with a disabled student to aid with getting food and opening packages. These student volunteers are often referred to as "buddies" or "walking buddies," because the volunteer maintains the role of a friend and peer while assisting their fellow student, which encourages an enjoyable, casual experience for both the disabled students and student volunteers involved. After a year of actively engaging in the partnership, many participants form meaningful friendships, which stands as a testament to the powerful, personal communities developed by On the Moov.

Testimonials from Student Helpers

"Personally, I have had the great pleasure of getting to know Fabiola through hours of walking together, not simply as a volunteer but as a true friend. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this partnership and am excited for the future of accommodation and disability inclusion efforts at UT Austin!"

"Walking with Fab is one of the highlights of my day. I have not only enjoyed getting to know her, but I have learned a great deal from this experience. It taught me how much more difficult it was for someone like Fabiola to have to navigate simple things such as traveling across campus or even opening doors"

"Fabiola is so fun to walk with and chat with, and walking her gives me a great excuse to get out of my room and go outside. Walking with Fab has also opened my eyes to how inaccessible some parts of UTs campus are, and it has made me much more aware of the small struggles disabled people have to endure on a daily basis."

Our Team

Our Partners

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Texas Lassos

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Fuse A Cappella

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Texas Wranglers

On the Moov would not be able to function without student volunteers. Most of our student helpers come from UT organizations we partner with. Thank you to our partners for supporting our mission!

Contact us below if you are interesting in partnering with On the Moov!

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